
Autumn term contact

Excitement mounts for our next contact...

Everyone at Wykeham primary school is very excited about our next contact with Conde Arruga to be held in November. All classes in years 3, 4, 5, and 6 have been busy preparing presentations and questions in Spanish. The chosen topic for the autumn term is festivals and we asked the children which festival they wanted to tell their twin school about and Halloween was chosen by the majority of children at wykeham school.

We started by sending some information on a powerpoint to Conde Arruga about Halloween in English and received one in Spanish about Las Fallas which is the festival our Spanish school will be teaching us about.

Here is one year 3 class learning about las fallas during their weekly Spanish lesson:

A big thank you for sending such an interesting powerpoint with lots of pictures. Our children found them fascinating and it provoked lots of questions and discussion. I am one of the lucky ones to have  visited Valencia during the Fallas, so I was able to share lots of my personal experiences with the children, although is was a long time ago now, one does not forget such an amazing experience....

Some of the questions and comments the children made were: "Why do they burn them?" "Is it scary?" "I really want to go and see them when I am older!"