
Third Skype Session with our Twin School!
We have just completed our third skype session with our twin school in Madrid. We aim to Skype every term choosing a range of different topics. Ofsted was so impressed that there was even a special mention of the 'skyping' in their report,  they said:
"pupils get a window to the world beyond the school's boundaries which gives pupils a perfect opportunity to exchange their cultural and linguistic knowledge" 

Our topic for this term was  'la Navidad' Christmas. Our objectives were to find out and compare how the festival of Christmas is celebrated in both England and Spain. The children at Wykeham presented how Christmas is celebrated in England all in Spanish telling the children about Advent calendars, stockings, turkey dinners, Pantomimes and the Queen's Speech. The children in Spain listened and then asked some questions in English about our English traditions. Next, was the Spanish children's turn to present how Christmas is celebrated in Spain, they did this all in English and told us about the large dinner they have on christmas eve, the 3 kings delivering their presents on 5th January, the 12 grapes they eat on new years eve and much much more! Lastly, we sang christmas carols to each other. The children said they can't wait for the next skype sessions see you soon...



Hello again, here I am as a coordinator of the Bilingual Project in Madrid Dr. Conde Arruga school. I'd like to thank all our english teachers' hard work developing this project with our twin school in London.

Thanks a lot to Elena too, thanks to her kindness and effort transforming this project into a great experience.Hopefully next acadmeic year we will all work again together towards the learning of a foreign language and its culture.




Hello to everyone!!! ¡¡¡HOLA A TOD@S!!!

Here we are once more to explain to you about our last exchange with WYKEHAM school, our twin school.

This last exchange was planned to take place during the month of June, but due to different reasons from both schools we couldn't really do our skype conversations...in any case we sent to each school some power points about FESTIVALS, since it was the topic for this last exchange.

Therefore, we had the chance to work on them and show to our students some English festivals, and then play a little quiz they prepared for us...and viceversa, because we also send from Madrid several power points with interesting festivals sucha as: San Fermín, Las Fallas, Carnaval, La Tomatina...etc.

Find here some photos taken when we showed to our groups the power points they sent to us from London...

Algunos de nuestros alumnos comentaron:

"¡Cuánta información, qué interesante!"

  "Su día de St.George es como nuestro día del libro"

"¿les gustará el power point de La Tomatina?, ¡es el más divertido!



2nd term exchange with our twin school has been AMAZING!!!. It was planned around differences in meals and timetables betweeen Spain and England.

Students made surveys in London to show what did they like best...what was their favourite dish...and even the less popular...Madrid students made some arts and Crafts 3D meals to show: paella, tortilla, etc.

Un alumno de 2º dice: -¡Me ha encantado la canción!...mamá yo quiero, mamá yo quiero, mamaaaa yo quiero comer!!-

Otro alumno de 5º comentó: -Es curioso ver que comen mucho antes que nosotros, y diferentes cosas-.

Find here some pics about the exchange with different groups.





Second Skype session Today

Today year 6M took part in their second skype session with their twin school in Madrid. The children from Dr Conde Arruga school made some very impressive 3D models of typical Spanish food and shared them with us during the session as well as talking to us about these typical Spanish dishes and which they prefer. We found out about la tortilla and la paella.

Year 6M sang a Spanish song about different foods and spoke about some typical English dishes like: "Fish and chips" and "sausage and mash."  We shared the results of our class survey where we discovered that Pizza was the most popular meal and Spaghetti the least popular we did this all in Spanish!

We really enjoyed the question and answer session in English and Spanish where we found out about the similarities and differences between dinner time in England and Spain. One striking difference between the two countries is the the time we have our supper. As in Spain we found out that dinner time is betweeen 8-9PM . One boy from Spain asked: "Why do you eat so early"? . 6M found this particularly funny as they said they are often in bed by this time!

Year 6M would like to thank you so much for this amazing experience!  Here are some photos from today:


Wykeham preparing for the second Skype session!

Year 4 were preparing for the second skype session today all about food and meal times. The children learnt the different meal times in Spanish: el desayuno, la comida, la merienda, la cena... We discussed some of the possible differences between England and Spain and learnt the names of some popular Spanish foods like Paella and Churros. The children are excited to ask you about how to make these!  

One  group is preparing a menu chart in Spanish to show what the school dinner menu is like and the different meals the children eat  at school each day. The children are learning all the food names in Spanish to be able to tell you on the day of the skype sessions...

We are also learning some songs in Spanish about different foods and we can't wait to sing our favourite ones to you! Singing in Spanish helps us with our pronunciation and we enjoy putting actions to our songs as this helps us remember what the words mean...

A belated thank you!

A quick belated thank you for all your amazing christmas cards they were very impressive! The children at Wykeham school loved receiving them and reading your messages in Spanish they were so proud to be able to understand your notes in Spanish muchisimas gracias!



¡Hola de nuevo!

Nuestros alumn@s de 5º del Dr. Conde Arruga realizaron una actividad muy interesante con su grupo correspondiente de Wykeham School acerca de TRABALENGUAS-TONGUETWISTERS.

They learnt a lot in terms of accuracy in pronuntiation...some were really difficult...HAVE A LOOK!!!

Then Dr. Wykeham students told us their spanish tonguetwisters...

Mirad a los alumn@s de 5º del Dr. Conde Arruga durante el intercambio...¡¡se lo pasaron muy bien y se rieron muuuucho!!!