
First video conference of the term


¡¡Hola Conde Arruga!! 

Nos ha encantado volver a saber de vosotros...ha sido muy interesante los personajes famosos de quienes nos habéis hablado.

We found out about 4 famous Spanish people: Penelope Cruz, Rafael Nadal, Cervantes and Picasso here are some pictures of you telling us all about them!

We really enjoyed your presentations and thought your English was excellent we hope you enjoyed ours too as we worked really hard on our Spanish pronunciation!

 We presented the following 4 famous English people: David Beckham, J. K. Rowling, The Queen and John Lennon.

"Thank you Conde Arruga  for your presentations. We have learnt about famous people in your country." (Leila 5L)

                     Nosotros esperamos que hayáis disfrutado con nuestras presentaciones. 

At the end of the session both schools sang the yellow submarine by John Lennon. Conde Arruga sang it in English and Wykeham in Spanish. It was evident that the children from both schools really enjoyed this as everyone was joining in with the chorus in both languages, clapping and dancing.


Resultado de imagen de yellow submarine

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