
Looking forward to our next skype session

Our appology for being so late!!!

The end of last term was so busy that we have just managed to place some entries on our common blog. 

However, we have not forgotten how fun it was and how delighted the kids were! The hard work was worthwhile!

We found your information very interesting and we loved the carol you chose for the exchange. We liked it so much that some of our groups sang it on our Christmas School Festival. 

I am glad to inform you that we got your christmas cards on the very last day, so we did not have time to show them to the pupils, but we will soon!

Finally, we are very happy to have contributed to Ofsted making such positive comment. We certainly agree!!!

Now we are all ready and looking forward to our next skype session!

School Christmas Decorations

The traditional Nativity Scene (EL BELÉN) 

This is what our school doors looked like. 


Some skype sessions in progress

Here we have some pictures of the real skype sessions taking place!

Alumnos de 2º curso.

Los alumnos de 3º se lo pasan fenomenal.

Se ve perfectamente a los alumnos de Wykeham School.

Alumnas de 5º hablan de los Tres Reyes Magos

Los demás prestan atención y comentan la información.

Los alumnos de 5º están muy atentos y entretenidos. 

Preparing for the third skype session

Here we have some 2nd and 5th graders working on the information about Christmas in Spain.


¡Hola a tod@s y FELIZ AÑO 2016!

¡Aquí estamos de nuevo tras las merecidas vacaciones de Navidad! Esperamos que todos hayáis descansado lo suficiente y volváis "con las pilas cargadas", llenos de energía para afrontar el nuevo trimestre.

Para empezar, aquí tenéis nuestros mejores deseos para el año que comienza.